SQL Habit Blog
Notes on SQL, Data Analysis, using data to grow successful businesses.
5 stories to celebrate 5000 students on SQL Habit
Let’s celebrate the 5000-student milestone and SQL Habit’s 4th birthday! Enjoy these couple of stories from SQL Habit’s journey.
How to get hired
This blog post is a reflection on my 12 years of hiring and getting hired. It’s my honest view on the hiring process from a company and an applicant’s perspective. Ultimately, it’s a guide I wish I had in the beginning of my career.
Building a data-informed company – interview with CEO of Feather Insurance. Part 3
The final part of the interview with Rob is about his personal data journey. We’ll talk about how hard is it to learn SQL and how Rob organized his learning process.
Building a data-informed company – interview with CEO of Feather Insurance. Part 2
The 2nd part of the interview with Rob Schumacher, CEO of Feather Insurance, is about his and Feather’s data journey with SQL Habit. We’ll talk about
what frisbee and running a business have in common
, what is
data transparency
and why it’s important.
Building a data-informed company – interview with CEO of Feather Insurance. Part 1
You’re about to read the first part of our 2h conversation with Rob Schumacher – CEO of Feather Insurance, who happens to be the very first SQL Habit customer . We’ll talk Rob’s and Feather’s
data journey
– how data is used in the company, what is a
data-informed approach
, how to practice it and much more.
How I built SQL course for Product Managers, Marketers and Data Analysts
This blog post is a reflection on how I spent a year building SQL Habit. I’ve answered all the questions that came from SQL Habit students or anyone interested. Enjoy these highlights from SQL Habit’s journey so far.
How to detect recurring payments with SQL
In this follow along post we’ll import transactions from a N26 bank account to a database and find recurring transactions with SQL. Get your keyboard ready!