Can I try the course for free?
Absolutely. The first 36 lessons and exercises are free. Just signup with your email, no credit card info required.
Can I get an invoice for my employer?
Absolutely! Right after purchasing you’ll receive an invoice. You can also customize your invoice and include customer information (your company's name and address).
How can I invite my team?
After purchasing a number of licenses you’ll get an invitation link.
Do you have monthly subscription?
Nope, one time purchase allows you to access it forever. Honestly, I believe it’ll take you 1-2 months to really develop this strong SQL Habit.
Do you have a free trial?
Nope, but there's a 14 days no-questions-asked money back guarantee.
Do you accept PayPal purchases?
Of course!
How can I try free Mock Interviews?
Mock Interviews are based on
Practice exercises. Basically, a Mock Interview is 2 random Practice exercises (an easy/medium one and a medium/hard one) with a 45 minute timer.