Introduction Introduction to SQL Habit course

1. Introduction to SQL Habit course

Hi and welcome to SQL Habit! 🍾 👋

My name is Anatoli and I’m thrilled that you’re reading this! It seriously blows my mind that I’m here in Berlin writing it and you’re where you are reading it. Thank you for giving SQL Habit a chance, it means a world to me and I’ll do my best to make sure you’ll learn a lot and have a great experience ❤

Course story

SQLHabit is based on a story of a fiction startup called Bindle – subscription service for reading books. It was founded by three friends – Linh, Gessica and Sandra, avid book readers who wanted to share their passion with the world and provide the best experience of reading books online.

The story of Bindle starts with a successful launch of an MVP (minimal viable product) website. Together with founders, we’ll see how Bindle launches new features, apps, does marketing, customer support, and much more. We’ll face business challenges together and learn about SQL and data to solve them.

About SQL Habit website


The course contains lessons and exercises. They follow Bindle’s story and are ordered in a way that lessons explain all necessary theory to solve exercises. You can access all of them via the Contents link in the menu.

Queries history

This is where all your queries will be stored. SQL Habit course covers all aspects of SQL one would need to run a company. Just copy your queries and apply them at work! 🚀 You can find the Queries History link in the hamburger menu.


Each exercise will ask you a specific question, like “How many new customers did we have in June 2018?”. To answer this we’ll query the Bindle’s database. On every lesson or exercise page, you’ll have SQL Editor tab with Bindle database already selected. Alternatively, you can access a dedicated SQL editor page aka Playground vie the Playground menu link.


On the Profile page, you can change your name, email, password or download a purchase invoice for your company to reimburse your SQL Habit subscription.

In the next couple of lessons, let’s see what’s on SQL Habit beyond the course lessons and exercises (spoiler alert: a lot 💥).

P.S. If you have any feedback/questions – always reach out via chat in the bottom right corner, email at, or DM me on Twitter @makaroni4.

Anatoli Makarevich, author of SQL Habit About SQL Habit

Hi, it’s Anatoli, the author of SQL Habit. 👋

SQL Habit is a course (or, as some of the students say, “business simulator”). It’s based on a story of a fictional startup called Bindle. You’ll play a role of their Data Analyst 📊 and solve real-life challenges from Business, Marketing, and Product Management.

SQL Habit course is made of bite-sized lessons (you’re looking at one atm) and exercises. They always have a real-life setting and detailed explanations. You can immediately apply everything you’ve learned at work. 🚀

-- Type your query here, for example this one -- lists all records from users table: SELECT * FROM users
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