FORUM SQL Habit Is there a list of shortcuts for the SQL editor

Is there a list of shortcuts for the SQL editor

I’m thinking about a list of Mac/Win shortcuts for actions like comment/uncomment, move lines, etc.


Hi @QueryingQuail (nice nickname 🔥)

Of course, there’s a free lesson on it in the course:

Here’s a TL;DR version:

Form submit

CMD + Enter on Mac
CTRL + Enter on Windows

Change lines indentation (move left/right)

CTRL + [ moves selection one tab to the left
CTRL + ] or Tab moves selection one tab to the right

Move lines up or down

ALT + ⬆
ALT + ⬇

Move cursor to the beginning/end of the keyword

ALT + ◀
ALT + ▶

Move cursor to the beginning/end of the line

CMD + ◀ or ▶ on Mac
CTRL + ◀ or ▶ on Windows

Ping me if you want even more hotkeys! 🚀

But not for the comment/uncomment part I mentioned?

@QueryingQuail oh, totally missed that one.


CMD + /

It should work for a single line or multiple selected lines as well.