This might be a bit silly, I am new to SQL so pardon my simple queries. I was practicing calculating purchase rate in lesson 26 and I decided to create my own queries. The question my own query should answer is “What is the % of users who are trial users and signed up in the first 2 weeks of Bindle existance”.
So I wrote a query that calculates this (Query 1), and I wanted to check this with another query (Query 2) to see if the result is correct. I can’t figure out why I am missing 1% of the users when I run the 2nd query.
Calcualate % of the users who are trial users and signed up in the first 2 weeks of Bindle existance. This query produces a result of 36%:
100 * COUNT(CASE WHEN status = 'trial' THEN id END) /
COUNT(*) AS trial_users_first_2_weeks_Jan_2018
FROM users
signup_date BETWEEN '2018-01-01' AND '2018-01-14'
Below query should return 64% as the query above returned 36% but it returns 63% and I don’t know why.
100 * COUNT(CASE WHEN status = 'customer' OR status = 'free' THEN id END) /
COUNT(*) AS non_trial_users_first_2_weeks_Jan_2018
FROM users
signup_date BETWEEN '2018-01-01' AND '2018-01-14'
Below query shows all unique values for status column in the user table for the same time frame as previous queries. I used it to figure out how to structure second query.
FROM users
signup_date BETWEEN '2018-01-01' AND '2018-01-14'
Thank you.