FORUM Data Analytics Mobile analytics - Chpt 183 & 184 Soft activation rate

Mobile analytics - Chpt 183 & 184 Soft activation rate

I am slightly confused about the soft activation calculation.

In chpt 183, soft activation rate is calculated by Count cohort users who have a specific event divided by Count all cohort users.

But in chpt 184, it is calculated as Count cohort users who have a specific event divided by signup users.

As per my understanding specific users event should be divided with signup users.

Can you please clarify this?


Hi @vrushali 👋

Great question, I love how you’re setting an example of not being shy and asking questions. That’s a superpower, I believe it’s the only way to get a deeper understanding of things.

Now that I look at these lessons, I see that I kind of hid a little trick in there with calculating cohort size. Happy to clarify.

There’s always a cohort

Let’s start by saying that pretty much all product and marketing metrics are calculated for a cohort of users.

Sometimes we just don’t say it out loud. For example, a marketer might ask “What’s our landing page conversion rate?”. We’ll go and divide the number of signups by the number of visitors. We didn’t mention any cohort, but it’s there – a cohort of all landing page visitors.

Later we can follow up and narrow it down to conversion rate per country, per marketing campaign, per time of day, etc. Here cohort are clearly visible – we’re filtering only specific visitors/users for our research.

Without any filter there’s still a notion of a cohort – all visitors or all users, we just don’t mention it usually.

Mobile users cohort

The exercise 184 wants you to calculate soft activation rate for mobile signups, this is our cohort.

The trick to get all users from that cohort is to look at mobile analytics events. If a user signed up via a mobile device, then we’ll have a mobile “signup” event:

  action = 'signup'

This is a great example of how we can use our tech knowledge (mobile analytics works only for mobile devices, for example) to easily gather insights.

Hope that helps, have a lovely day @vrushali ☀

Thanks @makaroni4