SQL MDN Docs How to use date_trunc() function in BigQuery

How to use date_trunc() function in BigQuery

BigQuery, Google Cloud’s enterprise data warehouse, supports SQL for querying data, though BigQuery SQL syntax differs from traditional SQL databases like PostgreSQL.

BigQuery has the date_trunc() function, but the syntax differs a little bit from PostgreSQL.


In PostgreSQL, date_trunc() allows truncation of a date or timestamp to a specified precision, such as year, month, day, hour, minute, etc. Here’s an example in PostgreSQL:

SELECT date_trunc('month', timestamp '2024-04-15 14:42:51')

In BigQuery, you can achieve similar results using the date_trunc() function for dates, and timestamp_trunc() for timestamps.

Truncate to year using timestamp_trunc() and date_trunc()

To truncate a date to the first day of its year in BigQuery:

This query returns the first day of the year for the created_at timestamps and nullified hours, minutes and seconds like this: 2018-01-01T00:00:00.000Z.

If we pass a date column as the first argument of the date_trunc() function, we’ll get the date back as well:

This query will return the signup_year column as date, like 2018-01-01.

The timestamp_trunc() will behave the same for our use case, but regardless of date or timestamp input, it’ll always return a timestamp signup_year result like 2018-01-01T00:00:00.000Z:

💡 The rule of thumb is simple – use date_trunc() for truncating date columns and timestamp_trunc() for timestamps.

Truncate to month

To truncate a timestamp to the month (it’ll round the timestamp to the first day of the month) in BigQuery, we simply need to use the MONTH precision in timestamp_trunc():

The same applies for the date_trunc() function:

We’re using the timestamp_trunc() function for the created_at timestamp column and get a rounded timestamp as a return, like 2018-04-01T00:00:00.000Z.

In the second example, the date_trunc() function is used for the date signup_date column and we get dates as 2018-04-01 in the result set.

While BigQuery’s syntax and functions may differ from PostgreSQL, the underlying principles of SQL remain the same – truncating/rounding functions typically receive 2 arguments (value and precision). Mastery of the date and time functions in BigQuery (and in other analytical DBs) is essential for your data analysis game and reporting, allowing you to derive more insightful conclusions from the temporal data.

Database compatibility

Big Query
How to use date_trunc() function in BigQuery
How to use date_trunc() function in BigQuery
Big Query

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This page was last modified on April 10, 2024.