SQL MDN Docs How to emulate date_trunc() function in SQLite

How to emulate date_trunc() function in SQLite

SQLite, unlike PostgreSQL, does not have a built-in date_trunc() function. This function is used in PostgreSQL to truncate a date or timestamp to the specified precision (e.g., year, month, day, hour, etc). However, you can emulate this functionality in SQLite using its date() and strftime() functions.

Understanding date_trunc() in PostgreSQL

In PostgreSQL, date_trunc() is used to truncate a date or timestamp to a specific component, such as ‘year’, ‘month’, ‘day’, ‘hour’, etc. This is particularly useful for aggregating data over different time periods.

SELECT date_trunc('month', timestamp '2024-04-15 14:42:51')

This query truncates the date to the first day of the month, returning 2024-04-01 00:00:00. Now we can use this rounded timestamp for aggregating records and building a monthly timeline.

Emulating date_trunc() in SQLite

Since SQLite does not support date_trunc() directly, we can use the SQLite’s date() function to achieve similar results. For example, to truncate a date to the start of the month, you can use:

This returns the date of the first day of the month as a string (like 2018-05-01) for each date in the column_name.

Truncating to the start of the year

Similarly, to get the start of the year in SQLite, you can do:

As in the previous example, we’ll get a string like 2018-01-01 that points to the Jan, 1st of every year from the column_name.

Truncating to the start of the day

Truncating to the start of the day is straightforward in SQLite, as the date() function without time part does this by default:

This query is simply the shorter version of this one:

It returns the string that follows the %Y-%m-%d format, like 2018-12-28.

Truncating to hour/minute/second with strftime()

To truncate a timestamp value to the hour in SQLite, you can use the strftime(format, timestamp) function.

This function formats a date according to the specified format. Here’s the available placeholders for the format: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S. By nullifying or removing some of them, you can effectively truncate your timestamp to a specific precision like we did with the date() function previously.

Here’s an example of truncating a timestamp to the hour:

To truncate to minutes, we’ll have to nullify only the seconds part:


Even though SQLite does not have a date_trunc() function like PostgreSQL, you can still perform similar date truncations using SQLite’s date and time functions. This allows for flexible data analysis and reporting directly within SQLite.

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This page was last modified on April 02, 2024.