right() function in SQL

The right() function in SQL is used to extract a specified number of characters from the end of a string. This function is crucial for operations that involve data extraction based on character position from the end of strings, such as analyzing file extensions, processing right-aligned data, or handling formatted text fields.


The syntax for the right() function is straightforward:

This function takes two arguments: the string from which to extract characters, and the number of characters to extract from the right.

Here’s a trivial example:

SELECT right('foobar', 3)

Using right() in practice

If you have a table with credit card details and you want to extract only the last 4 digits for your report, here’s a query that can do that with the right() function:

WITH credit_cards AS (
  SELECT '1111222233334444' AS card_number
  SELECT '5555666677778888'

SELECT right(card_number, 4)
FROM credit_cards

πŸ” Note how we used a CTE to emulate a credit_cards table for this example.

Extracting suffix with right()

For example, if you have a subscriptions table where an identifier contains a country code suffix, we can use the right() function to extract it:

WITH products AS (
  SELECT 'monthly-US' AS slug
  SELECT 'yearly-de'

SELECT lower(right(slug, 2)) AS country
FROM subscriptions

πŸ’‘ Note that we can reliably do it, since country codes are always 2 characters.

Combining right() with other functions

right() can be combined with other SQL functions to handle more complex scenarios.

In the previous example, you see that country codes could be in lowercase or uppercase. Let’s use the upper() function to normalize extracted country codes:

WITH products AS (
  SELECT 'monthly-US' AS slug
  SELECT 'yearly-de'

SELECT upper(right(slug, 2)) AS country
FROM subscriptions

The right() function is a vital tool in SQL for text processing, particularly useful in scenarios where the end part of a string carries significant information or needs special handling.

Database compatibility

Big Query
Big Query

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This page was last modified on April 13, 2024.