floor() function in SQL

The floor() function in SQL is used to return the largest integer less than or equal to a specified number.

In essence, it rounds down the given value to the nearest integer. Here’s a comparison table between floor() and round() functions:

number floor(number) round(number)
1.49 1 1
1.51 1 2
-1.49 -2 -1
-1.51 -2 -2

This function finds its utility in various scenarios where rounding down is necessary, such as discount calculations, or when dealing with time slots in scheduling applications.


The basic syntax of the floor() function is as follows:

The number argument is the numeric field that you wish to round down or a result of a math expression.

Using floor() in discount calculations

Here’s a scenario where we apply a 30% discount and we want to round the final price to a nice integer number:

  floor(price * 0.7) AS final_price
FROM products

Note that we can’t round the final price to the higher number (using the ceil() function), because we’ll overcharge users in that case.

Practice with floor()

Exploring the floor() function is a great way for SQL beginners to get comfortable with numeric data manipulation. You don’t even need a database table to start playing with the floor() function:

  floor(7.95) AS floor_high_number,
  floor(7.25) AS floor_low_number,
  floor(-7.95) AS floor_negative_high_number,
  floor(-7.25) AS floor_negative_low_number

This query showcases the floor() function’s application to both positive and negative numbers.

💡 Try visualizing these input numbers on a line (like on the X-axis of a chart) and see to which integer numbers the floor() function would round them. It’ll help deeply understanding the floor() function and remember it forever.

Database compatibility

Big Query
Big Query

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This page was last modified on April 06, 2024.